Lighthouse Christian Academy
Providing Excellent Education for Hispanic urban youth and children in Harrisburg, PA.

Our Classes


1st-2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

6th-7th Grade

8th-9th Grade

10th-12th Grade
Whole School
Our Great Team

God has blessed us with the privilege of working with a really great staff team here at LCA. Along with both of them teaching several classes, Rod leads out in administration while Christa is the academic dean, teacher’s mentor and curriculum guru. We love these kids at LCA and the opportunity that we have to show Jesus to them and their families. Outside of school, we’ll take any chance we have to spend time with our charming, growing adult children.
Rod & Christa Schwartz

Ben Weaver
My name is Ben Weaver. I am the 10-12th grade Homeroom teacher at LCA. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my wife and three children and fly fishing.

Adam Good
Adam Good is my name. Teaching P.E and Health is my game. Harrisburg is my home, Lancaster is from where I came. My beautiful wife and 2 precious daughters I claim. A faithful steward and Jesus-pleasing I aim.
Single Staff

Tristen Rodriguez
Hi! I’m Tristen Rodriguez. I enjoy teaching 8th and 9th grade here at LCA. I really enjoy hanging out with my family on the weekends and playing the piano. A few of my hobbies include one-wheeling, 3d printing, or working on any kind of mind-building project. My passion is serving my Lord and King!

Marilyn King
My name is Miss Marilyn. My role at LCA is secretary, mentor, tutor, and part-time teacher. I love the opportunities that each day provides for connecting with students from various ages. In my free time, I enjoy reading, doing puzzles, drinking coffee, and spending time with my friends and family.

Cindy Peachey
I am Miss Cindy, and contrary to what others think, I actually love grammar and writing. That’s why my job as high school language and literature teacher brings me so much joy. Some other things that bring me joy are chocolate cake, books, legos, plants, and being outside.

Marie Stoltzfus
I’m Marie Stoltzfus. Teaching seven just very cute 1st and 2nd graders brings so much joy and spice to my life. When I’m not a teacher, I love connecting with family and friends, being outside on a warm day, and obviously drinking coffee.

Alyssa Schwartz
I teach 4th and 5th grade and I love my job here, teaching, and spending time with my students and the other staff. I also really enjoy coffee, reading, puzzles, and hanging out with my family, but not necessarily in that order because my family is my favorite.
Contact Us
1349 Vernon St. Harrisburg, PA 17104
717-805-6383 - Rod Schwartz (director)